Customer Service

We’re here to Help.

Aumake’s customer service team delivers first-rate customer service and support to protect your brand’s reputation when you’re selling to Asia to ensure that your customers constantly come back for more.

Asian online shoppers are fussy. They are also spoilt for choice. When they buy online, they want a seamless and convenient solution—especially from overseas. So if you want to be competitive, you need to offer this service, or they will simply choose another option.

The aumake Customer Service Team

The aumake customer service team is highly knowledgeable in the evolving needs of Asian consumers. They provide a personalised customer support experience to bring out the best in your brand. Our team is educated in your brand story and values to ensure their interactions foster meaningful connections between customers and your brand.

We address issues such as logistics problems, delivery issues, packing issues, and payment queries, on your behalf, to ensure happy customers. This saves you time and money. It also avoids customers dropping out in the middle of a purchase because they can’t get a quick answer.

To learn how you could get your products on the shelves of one of our brand experience stores, please do not hesitate to contact the aumake team.
